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Mamahood, Pregnancy

January 7, 2015

Bump Update- oh HEY bump- 28 weeks

Gosh, have I mentioned how FAST this pregnancy is going? I just had my glucose tolerance test this morning and my 28 week appointment. You know what that means don’t you? It’s time to start going EVERY TWO WEEKS! And you know what that means, right? The end is near! Also, I opened a bottle of Simply Raspberry Lemonade and the expiration date was 3/7/15… that’s only like three weeks before my due date. Talk about making it real!
There are quite a few exciting things that have taken place since my last post.
1) We decided on a name! She shall be called Sadie.
2) We painted the nursery, refinished her dresser and moved Evie out of her crib and into her toddler bed- which, btw, she is doing AWESOME with! I’m so proud of her!
3) We went for our 3D Ultrasound at Lake Norman 3D Imaging. I wanted to go about the same time we went with Evie, so I scheduled an appointment with Roxanne (who is awesome!) for this past weekend. Unfortunately, Sadie is still snuggled WAY up in my ribs, next to my placenta just like she was at my 15 week 3D appointment. AND she’s breeched. Between those two things, pictures were nearly impossible to get, so we’ll go back for another when she decides to flip her booty around!


CRAVINGS: Juice and Ginger Ale… yikes… bad timing with my glucose tolerance test. Keeping my fingers crossed for good results!

BELLY BUMP: The bump is obviously growing at rapid speeds, however, Sadie is measuring petite, so hopefully that will keep it at a healthy bulge 🙂

MOOD SWINGS: I’d say this last trimester has found me with little patience. Mostly with my sweet Evie who “Mama’s” me to death and has become quite opinionated.

SLEEP: Put a pillow between my knees to sleep and it helped a lot with back and pelvic pain, yay!

PELVIC PAIN: It’s gotten better since the pillow… but I still have it. I have a feeling a trip to the chiropractor will be in my future!

– Chrissy

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